Fri, 26/10/2018

Saturday October 20th, in Igualada-Òdena Aerodrome, had place the FIRST JOURNEY OF "AVIACIÓ ADAPTADA" (Adapted Aviation).
"Aviació Adaptada" is an initiative of “Vols per a tothom”, “Las Sillas Voladoras” and “Temyque”, with the colaboration of "Federació Aèria Catalana", "Aeroports de Catalunya" and Igualada and Òdena town halls, to introduce to the aviation world people with disabilities. Also took part many pilots, volunteers, entities, companies and aeroclubs, between them, the "Club de Vol a Vela Igualada-Òdena" (Igualada-Òdena Gliding Club).
This year they flew almost 100 people with disability, between them, almost 20 in glider. In this event, our club has contributed with part of the fleet: 2 tow planes and 3 double seater gliders. We could also count on an ASK21 adapted with manual control, property of “Las Sillas Voladoras”.
Thanks to this event, we signed a colaboration contract with “Las Sillas Voladoras” to share human and material resources.
We can count on the ASK21 for our people, people of "Las Sillas Voladoras" and for flights with disabled people. If somebody couldn't fly, contact with us or “Las Sillas Voladoras".
Congratulations and thank you to allthe volunteers, pilots, spotters and organization staff for this big success.
“If my body won't allow me, my wings will.”
Magí Alegre
President of Vols per a tothom
“If somebody want to fly, he should do it without obstacles.”
Valentí Sallas
Vicepresident of Vols per a tothom
“The freedom I feel flying is priceless.”
Elisabeth Heilmeyer
President of Las Sillas Voladoras
“Flying solo for first time was unvelivable.”
Carlos de Albert
Vicepresident of Las Sillas Voladoras
“ In a society full of obstacles,
flying gives me the freedom than my body and soul need.”
Carmen Arana
Presidenta of Temyque
“I have a disability, yes. But I can live the life.”
Suggested by Manoli Castillo
Vicepresidenta of Temyque
"From the sky,
the problems became smaller and the feelings and freedom are so big."
Equip organitzador d'Aviació Adaptada
(photos: Pere Escala, Ramon Jordi, Paco Jover, Josep Ollé, Adrià Zamel)
More photos in facebook:
Photos album from Adrià Zamel:ó-adaptada-2018/n-t2SJvp